The old adage of build it and they will come doesn’t apply to websites. Customers need to know your website exists if you’re to be successful in driving traffic, and sales, to it. Unlike brick and mortar shops where people can physically see the business and consider stopping in, you need to actively promote your website to current and prospective customers on a daily basis. Even if they know about it, they need to be regularly reminded, too.
Here are 10 free things you might not have considered to help you promote your website today:
- Do you work with an accountant, lawyer, banker,
graphic designer, printer, or other business service professional? Email them today to thank them for working with you and remind them of your website. Ask them if they’d be willing to share it with their clients, too. If you regularly send out an e-newsletter, offer to feature them in as a thank you for promoting your site.
- On the subject of emails, create a signature for your email that includes the website address.
- Create a “Contact” in your smartphone that includes your name, shop name, photo and website address so when you’re without your business card you can text your contact info quickly and easily.
- Do you get consumer magazines sent to your home or shop? After you’re done with them, slap a sticker on the cover with the message: “Courtesy of your shop’s name and website” and drop them off to places that would appreciate them like schools, healthcare offices and clinics (where they often get swiped), or even near your door for people to take on their way out.
- Ask your wholesale accounts and sales representatives to promote your website to anyone interested in purchasing their items at retail.
- Alternatively, make sure your shop’s name and website is listed on any and all wholesale manufacturers’ websites (and confirm it’s not a broken link).
- This goes without saying but it’s sometimes overlooked – make sure each and every single bio on your social media platforms includes your website. This includes Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn and YouTube!
- Ask customers for their opinion. Send them your website and ask what you can do to improve it. If they feel their thoughts will be heard, they’ll be more likely to go on it regularly since they’ll feel like they’re a part of your success.
- Wear a nametag with your website.
- Include your website on your voice mail message.
In addition to these 10 things, here are 25 more ways to promote your website today or throughout the year.
- Add your website on your printed receipts. If you email receipts because you use a device like Square, add it to the receipt that is emailed.
- Include your website link regularly on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Remind customers that you have an online presence.
- Run a contest where people have to go to your website to enter (check rules in your city or state about gaming laws). This is also a good way to gather email addresses so you can build your email list and continue to remind customers of your website.
- Do you offer tissue paper with purchases or gifts? If so, consider customizing the paper with your website. It’s an elegant way to let the recipient know from where their gift came and offers them the chance to see what else your shop offers.
- Carry your business card at all times and make sure it includes your website.
- Include your website on price tags if there is room (on the back is fine).
- Customize your shopping bag with the website.
- Include your website on envelopes and letterhead.
- Customize a license plate holder with your website.
- Don’t forget to include it on your e-newsletters (you’d be surprised at how many people forget to include the entire website – not just hyperlink).
- Include in any and all direct mail postcards, newsletters or in-store brochures and signage (including point of sale tent cards).
- Create a “take-away” like a flyer listing nearby attractions and restaurants or a bookmark that people will have a reason to keep. Include your website so they’ll remember to check it out periodically.
- Be sure your email includes your website address. Ditch the gmail and yahoo account. The opportunity to share your website address in regular correspondence far outweighs the nominal cost to customize your email address (and you’ll look more professional, too).
- If you write a regular blog, make sure to include your website in the copy. Not only does it help people “see” it, they can easily click on the website.
- Offer to write a blog post for another complementary business and include your website in the post.
You’ll reach a new audience and help promote your overall business.
- Ask visitors to bookmark your website.
- If you still use checks, include the website on each one.
- Make sure any paid ads include your website (radio, tv, print and online).
- Include your website on any cards – thank you cards, holiday cards, etc.
- If you do any off-site events, make sure the website is included in any banner ads.
- If you sponsor events or provide items for silent auctions, make sure you include your website on any material and include business cards or postcards for attendees to grab easily.
- If you include photos on your social media pages, watermark them with your website address. For YouTube vidoes, ensure your website is spelled out in the description of any video you post. Also include it IN the video so it’s prominent to viewers.
- If you’re hosting events in-store, whether it’s a trunk show or a monthly book club gathering, make sure your website is listed in the promotional materials and reminders.
- Remind your customers in-person that you have a website with new products added regularly.
- Ask your customers if they’d be willing to share your website with one friend. Just one friend. Or ask them to share your website on their social media accounts like Facebook or Twitter. Even if just a handful of customers do it, you’ll have reached that many new prospective customers.
At the end of the day, driving traffic to your website isn’t a strategy. It’s a tactic to a larger strategy. You need to know from where your traffic is coming in order so you can concentrate your efforts to building that interest.
Study your website traffic to get a better sense where to focus efforts, energy and money. Compare your marketing efforts and repeat those that bring in more traffic. Don’t give up.
Building a website presence does take time but it does take work, too. Stay on top of it and don’t treat your website as an afterthought. As more people learn of your website and its offerings (which means you’ll want to keep investing in it by updating with new products and information like blog posts), the more chances you have to drive sales.
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